1.   They would probably play that disgusting game of spitting on people from a great height.

2.   I reckon Wetherall and Kelly seem good prospects, Sterland has probably played his last game, Newsome is not up to standard.

3.   Violet McBride, who is probably playing her last season for Portadown, displayed some deft touches.

4.   It probably played only a small role in maintaining accumulation once that got going.

5.   But I think they, they probably play it down a bit these days.

6.   You could when they play it probably, Robert.

7.   And Dale Davis is probably playing out of position as the starting center.

8.   And although Manning suffered a torn anterior cruciate ligament in February and probably will not play until January, Colangelo is expected to offer a lucrative, multiyear deal.

9.   And BU played probably its worst period of the season.

d. + play >>共 500
also 10.63%
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hard 2.83%
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better 2.36%
when 2.26%
probably 0.98%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
have 6.21%
take 1.91%
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do 1.55%
get 1.43%
come 1.30%
will 1.28%
know 1.23%
play 0.93%
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